What is it?

I found this 'lose weight the easy way' method years ago and used it every time I needed to trim 14 lbs off. Recently I needed to lose some ... I was 13st 7lb ... too much for me and looked a bit awful on stage. So i am now 12st. exactly.

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How does it work?

When the military have to lose weight to stay the same as last year they use this simple 'graph' system. Weigh each day. If you are on the graph line or below eat the same as yesterday ... if you are above the line cut some little thing out, maybe even a slice of toast?

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Saves You Time

No more worrying about diets, what you can and can't eat ... simply weigh each day, click on the graph [Ipad, Computer, whatever]. You will gradually lose weight - you have to! After losing 14lbs you may wish to lose more? No problem start a new graph chart

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The military use it The Music Industry uses it and Dec uses it!


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